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Tuesday, 16 June 2015

The best interests of the child

It's hard to reconcile social worker expectations with what you believe is best for the child.  Who is to decide what is best for the child?  The social worker who has seen them on and off for about a year, or the person who has had them stay weekends on and off for a year, then full time for about a month.

One would like to think the one that has been immersed in 'life' with the child, but social workers often 'know best'.  Do they know best? Or do they just want the quickest easiest solution.

We agreed to take Miss 8, she was to be enrolled in correspondence school for her time with us.  A month later and we still havent heard back from the correspondence school, so through goodwill I have taken responsibility for making sure there is work available for Miss 8, to make sure her education doesn't suffer.  Effectively, she is "truant" from school at the moment, but i am doing what I can to make sure she gets that education regardless.

A social worker believes it is in Miss 8s best interests to sit on a bus for three hours to attend a one hour appointment. I don't believe it is in her best interests, and that school work needs to be a priority, especially for one performing below her curriculum expectations.  I have put my foot down, I have told the social workers what I think - no bars held.  I am the one trained to deal with educational needs, not you - if you want her to take a day out of education, then you process that correspondence school application and get permission from the teacher with oversight of her education - not me!

Also - why the hell are you considering placing Miss 8 with her brother again when we know from experience that IT DOESN'T WORK.  Giving them different caregivers isn't going to change the outcome for these young ones. want to see another placement breakdown in 12 months? Like last time you placed Miss 8 with her brother.  GRRRRR

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