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Friday, 21 August 2015

The agency

Today I had a meeting with the child services agency to discuss ways that I could use my education, knowledge and passion to further help the sort of kids that make me tick. 

It was incredibly exciting that one of the two people I met with has a very similar vision to my own. So much so that he thinks a job could be created and funding applied to enable me to use my skills within the next 12 months. Now, there is no certainty in any respect. Those above him may not agree, there may be someone better suited with more skills than me, I might decide that direction isn't quite right. But it was exciting to express passions, to have them heard and to actually hear that it was possible, not entirely far fetched. 

More interestingly however, was the other person in the meeting. A person who is pretty high in the pecking order. Someone who has quite a bit of influence. Who mentioned that there biggest need was caregivers. I confronted her on that. I told her that I find what she is saying. Hard to believe when we haven't been asked to take a child we don't already have a connection in for over a year. 

To say she was gobsmacked is an understatement. Just last week I had a call telling me that they had called every single caregiver in your region and no one was able to take a young girl. They had to put her in a fairly unsatisfactory situation as there wasn't a caregiver available. 

I'm calling bullshit. If there was no one available how come we weren't called. We have contacted our office several times reminding them of our availability and desire to help more kids. 

She assured me that there would be some very interesting developments in the near future. Watch this space people. I think I may have just inadvertently put a spanner in the works of a government agency. 

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