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Friday, 4 September 2015

It SHOULD make you angry.

The world took a moment to think yesterday when images of a Syrian child, washed up on a beach made international headlines.  People became passionate.  People put their hand up to help.  "Outrageous" was the cry from thousands.

Warning. Image may offend.  Well bloody oath it should!  Doesn't mean you should hide from it!

A month ago the world became passionate about seeing justice and protecting those who can't protect themselves when Cecil the Lion was killed 'for fun'.

Yes. That should offend you too.

But what should really offend you is this.  (disclaimer: These statistics are only the result of a quick google search and are not necessarily entirely ac year curate...but they form an accurate enough picture).  In America there are 3 million known cases of child abuse per year.  In Australia there are 50,000 cases of child abuse every year, 24 deaths of children.  In New Zealand there are 12,000 known cases of child abuse every, 10-14 deaths of children.  In the UK there are 50,000 idnetified cases of child abuse every year with nearly 100 deaths.  Organisations in England estimate that for every 1 child identified there are 8 unidentified cases of child abuse.

This - should be the most offensive image of all.

 Please watch this video before you stop reading:

Based on my blog statistics, I've covered your country.  Now that is something to get angry about!  It should be offensive. It should make you stand up and demand change.

It should have you joining face-book pages committing to taking in a child that needs your help.  It should have you protesting parliament buildings about doing more.

I do not think that the Syrian boy or Cecil the lion dying are okay.  No.  No one should suffer.  But before you can fix the problems of the developing world - you need to fix the problems in your very own country.  It is insanity to think that refugees are going to be any better off when you can't even support your own.  By your definition of better off yes - but unless life is quality - what difference does some improvement in quality mean.  By all means help these people.  But at the same time, help someone a little closer to home.

Go and pick up a homeless person and nurture her to success.
Go and pick up a family that are living out of a car or garage and give them some hope.
Go and register with your foster kids association and give a child a home.
Go to your local school and offer to make lunches for the kids that come starving.
And then
Go and do what you can to change the world.

Change starts on the inside.

And one last reminder...if you haven't clicked one of the 'badges' to Top Mommy Blogs here: to vote. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Our world still has so very much work to do. Although I think the killing of Cecil was absolutely terrible, I was surprised to see SO many of my friends speaking about the outrage when none of them post anything about the many innocent human lives that are lost each year.
