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Tuesday, 13 October 2015

A really quick update

Will keep this super brief with pretty much just the journal entry records. But have one other thing to say. I met mr 7s headmaster today. In summary the school (head, teacher etc) are pretty disgusted with the work of government agency and were pretty upset at how out of the loop they had been kept about everything. My opinion is schools should be better informed. They currently believe  Mr 7 should never have been moved from home. He has also always been with his mum, not his grandparents as we were told.

The good thing is that his hunger seems to have settled down. I think we are on top of it. I think the phrase 'I am hungry' is expressed when something is wanted and he doesn't know what. Often now I have been able to successfully divert attention. In saying that we are still trying to get a doctors appointment and today we got permission to give him a worming pill

He had an excellent day at school, no angry outbursts. A bit reserved though and very clingy to his teacher aide. She told me that mr 7 has always lived with mum and the siblings haven't. That isn't what I have been told til this point so will let agency know In due course that perhaps all info isn't accurate. Had some assessment information given to me also. He is significantly below his 7 this is a major concern. On his spelling words this week are words such as 'an' 'that'. 

Jobs went well. Some difficulty with bed time tonight for the first time but settled pretty quickly when I told him he would lose a happy stone if he didn't. 

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