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Sunday, 11 October 2015


I'm worried we are under feeding mr7 (aka Pikachu... We now have an age!) he constantly complains of being hungry. Constantly. Even when he is just finished eating. He eats more than Mr31! I don't know if he has worms, if he is saying hungry instead of board or thirsty, or if he is just a growing boy! I have checked with parents of kids a similar age and it really does sound like he is eating enough... I don't know if I should believe him. Every time he is hungry I say 'have a piece of fruit' if he doesn't want the fruit I figure he isn't that hungry or he would eat it. 

He had a play today with a friends boy.  It went really well, he played happily and although a little rough... He was happy and well intentioned. 

We had our first sign of the defiance we had been warned about. We had a run away as Mr 7 was asked not to keep flinging the leg rest on the couch up and down or it would break. After a dozen asks I told him one more time and you can go to your bedroom! He ran away instead. Boy is he fast. 

This morning for breakfast Pikachu had cornflakes, followed by some fruit. He had brownie and fruit for morning tea. Two sausage sizzle sausages with tomato sauce for lunch, and when we got home he had three more pieces of fruit between 4 and 5.  Didn't want him eating anything too substantial right before dinner. Having so many allergies makes it a little difficult to think of healthy and desirable snacks. Probably feed him less today than other days but the rest of us coped fine!

For dinner he happily polished of a plate of corned beef and vegetables before announcing he was still starving... Sorry but that is impossible! He ate as much as we did. I think it must just be what he says! Packed him a massive lunch for school tomorrow. Couldn't fit it all in his lunchbox. Have talked to him about saving some for afternoon tea on the drive home. If that doesn't work I may have to give him less and keep snacks in the car. 

Pikachu ran away tonight because he wasn't able to keep fiddling with the leavers in the couch. Boy he is fast. Once he got out on the main road I had husband call the after hours social worker. He was running and hiding in the bushes and thought back up was better when we could still find him than have a whole search and rescue team. I found him, well more he found me. He threw handfuls of leaves at me... Hmm at least it wasn't bricks. He yelled at me for a wee while, but eventually the need for dinner got the better of him and he took off home. After about 15 minutes of cooling off he was able to tell me why playing with the leavers wasn't okay, and what he needs to do instead of running away. He ate dinner and was effected happy again by bath time. He told me after his bedtime story that he doesn't hate me any more. 

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