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Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Sorry it's been so long

Sometimes things get so busy, that I just can't spare the five minutes in my day to blog.  The last two weeks have been just like that! Unfortunately, the longer I leave it - the less I have to say.  I think it is because it is hard to prioritise (and remember...a lot of my reason for starting a blog was so that I remembered things!)

So why have the last two weeks been so busy.

Part One: Our gangsta.
The little gangsta boy we had, did indeed return to us after his first night.  We got through a few more days, but then he started to display some fairly threatening behaviours.  We wouldn't have a bar of that, he didn't respond to discipline - long story short he ran away and had to be picked up by the police.  To start with I felt pretty gutted about the whole thing.  But I know it's important to remind myself that you can't save them all! Just do what you can, where you can, the best you can.  That won't be right for everyone.

Part Two: Miss 13's sister
She has consumed a bit of my mind lately.  She has returned from a substantial period of time "out of harms way", and the transition back into every day society has not gone well.  I have had a fairly big emotional involvement in this youngsters life. She asked for me to be a part of her life, and how can you say no to that!  She was supposed to be coming to stay this weekend...but, with hubby away, decided it was best to postpone til the following weekend so that I have some back up!

Part Three: My job.
I was offered another job.  One that would pay substantially more, and enable me to follow one of my passions quite closely.  However, I had several talks with my own boss (I use the word in lieu of a better option...she certainly isn't bossy!) and we managed to find some ways to make my job work for me, that will enable me to see through some changes I am very passionate about.  So yes...there are other passions but alongside that...I have an unfinished job where I am.  That ultimately leads to the same long term outcomes.  The difference is that I know I have someone that I find pretty inspiring to look up to, and to help lead me through the management part of my job - the people management! The bit I find really hard.  So hopefully with her support I will not only see my plans through, but gain some confidence as a leader and manager of people myself.   I will still have the skills (plus more of them) to get offered that other job again when the time is right!

Part Four: Court.
One week and a bit to go!

Part Five: Siblings. Miss 8 and Mr 12 are well settled. Miss 8 more so.  Mr 12 is having to think about new schools for next year, alongside having no idea what is future will hold in terms of where he will live. So that is hard!  A child I work with has just given him 100s of magic he is in heaven at the moment.  Combined with those from a colleague on Friday, and we have a kid with something to do now!

Part Six: Miss 15.
I have been reading a bit about the country miss 15 comes from.  It has sickened me to find out genocide is an actual happening thing right now - 2015.  WHAT THE?  Actually!

Part Seven: Health
Somethings gone awol with my blood pressure.  I had to go along and get it checked a couple of times...and, well...don't know what's causing it. Likely I need to exercise more...but I eat pretty good - and even though I am crazy busy at times I'm not that stressed (though I have been the last could be why it shot up).  Anyway - have to go and get some blood tests done.

Part Eight: Christmas
I can't believe how quickly the last couple of weeks have gone. I have all but finished christmas shopping....but three out of four children have their birthdays within 6 weeks of I have to keep my thinking hat on - and my keen shopping eye on online sales.

Part Nine: Because
Because if I put a part nine, I can be one step closer to a ten part story.

Part Ten: Did it.
Did you read to the end!  See what I mean?  Not much to say when you leave it so long as the details drop out!

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