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Sunday, 22 November 2015

Things are calm. Things are peaceful (relatively)

There isn't much to say when things are going well.  It's a shame really, that the things that always seem worth saying are when my brain is crying out in desperation for an outlet!

But things are good.  We have four children at the moment, and things are fairly harmonious.  Though...if even one of them could sing harmoniously I'm sure my ears wouldn't ring quite so much.

Miss 15 is very quiet. Doesn't say a lot (Can't say a lot yet!) but is the most helpful of them all.  She will often do everyone else's jobs before any of us even notice she is missing!  Really working hard at the moment of getting her out of her bedroom and into being an active member of the family.

Miss 13 is a stereotypical teenager.  There isn't really much more to say than that. Delightful, argumentative, kind, mean, friendly, bitchy.  And that's just within five minutes.  She has been excited about our day in court, but did say today "Well, it's not exactly going to change anything is it".  I still have to laugh about her comment to her Bio mum a couple of days ago - they were expressing their differences on something and Miss 13 says "Far out, some days I feel like I am adopted".  Her mum and I saw the funny side of it - she had NO idea, why we were laughing.  The nice part about this is that she is obviously just so comfortable with who she is and where she fits that "adopted" isn't the insult it is that most kids would use against their parents!

Mr 12 is settling down.  Not being quite as protective of his things or his sister as he once was.  He met with his lawyer last week, and he seems to be fairly comfortable with where things are at.  He still is very determined that home is where he will return within 6 months.  I'm not so confident.  The lawyer asked us if we were in a position to take him and his sister permanently.  The answer is no.  Miss 13 and Miss 15 are quite enough for the long term!

Miss 8 is really sweet.  You would not know that she has had so much trauma and confusion in her life.  She loves reading, playing, drawing and going to school.  She is always excited about whatever is next in the day - and always the first to ask everyone else how their day has been.  Quite beautiful manners.  Though, concerning that she can lie very quickly.  She will own up again as soon as she knows she has been caught out - a bit of a defence thing, a fear of being in trouble.

Well that's us for now... It's hard to keep thinking of things to write when things are going okay.  Hopefully I don't have any drama to come back with any time soon - I guess the next time you'll be hearing from me will be after our date in court :)

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