The chance of experiencing a major earthquake in my life time is higher than I’d care to admit. however, a reality that has to be acknowledged when you have children to care for. Especially other people’s children.
When there was just me, I was certain there was always enough in the house to feed me for three days. Although my water supplies weren’t fully stocked…I always had a few litres of soft drink in the bottom of the cupboard and a first aid kit in my car.
Then along come my Cat, i thought things through. Put some canned cat food on the top shelf of the pantry.
Then along came the husband. I added a getaway kit. Emergency blankets, slightly bigger first aid kit, tent, sleeping bags. What I could get in the back of the car.
When embarking on the fostering journey, they asked us if our emergency supplies were big enough to take a child with us if we had to run. Well… yeah. Actually, we have everything in the shed. All ready to go. We should work out some food and water through.
Miss 13 has asked when ‘she’ can foster some kids. When can ‘we’ have more kids come and stay. I told her we can’t just hunt out abused children and offer them a home, we need to wait. There will always be kids who need us, they just don’t need us right now.
In the same day she asked me where I was when a particular natural disaster happened (it was 1800 years ago) but it got us thinking.
So today we went out and made a fair dent in our planning. We have enough food for 5 people for 3 days. We have the supplies to build our own toilet, and rubbish disposal. We have enough water for one day, but still have a little more collecting to do (it’s not cheap to be prepared). We have it all stored in the same corner of the garage, but no doubt the husband will relocate it so it’s a little tidier and easier to access.
We still have a little planning to do. We need to photocopy passports and insurance policies. Haven’t yet got matches, or a change of clothes (how do we pack clothes for kids we don’t yet have…) We still have a few little plans to make to ensure our surivial kit is specific to our needs.
Have you updated your emergency supplies lately? Made sure eery member of your family is accounted for? Even those who are furry, or aren’t there yet?
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