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Friday, 10 July 2015

School Holidays.

During term time, one set of kids go home at 3.30.  Then you get a new set of kids for a few hours. Then it's bed time.  During holiday time, the same kids from first thing in the morning, til last thing at night.

Now there are pros and cons to this adventure that comes four times a year.

The biggest con is it is expensive.
Yes, I know you don't need to spend money to entertain kids.  But really, when it's winter holidays, there is snow on the tips of the hills ('s cold, but no snow to have fun with), it rains almost constantly and you don't allow TV between 9 and 5 (it goes off again about 6 for dinner).

I could change the TV rule.  It hurts me more than them.  But I refuse to let their imaginations be stunted by the 2 dimensional world.

There are arguments.
One is 13, one is 8.  They don't like the same things.  The 8 year old wants to constantly be entertained, the 13 year old wants to do 'nothing'.  They are sisters.  They are also sisters who up until  two years ago and never been expected to speak nicely to each other.  They get on each others nerves.  Which means.

Its loud.
Holidays used to be a sanctuary.  One in which I could sit home alone all day in complete silence and stare out over the hills and all of a sudden it was sunset.  I don't dislike the happy noises.  I dislike "I'm bored" "She said..." "I want..."

Quality time.
There is time to do things with the girls and find out just what makes them tick.  Let them race go-karts, hit a golf club, pat a sheep, see how high they can get on a swing.  It's in these moments that they open up and attachments are made.  How many times can you hear 'that's the best thing i've ever done' before you wonder if they even remember yesterdays adventure.

There is something about being available, that allows kids to ask questions.  So how does a volcano erupt? How do fighter fish mate? Will you still love me if I accidentally kill someone?

When kids use their imaginations to make up new worlds, their energy to choreograph new dances and their love to look after each other so that I can sleep in.  That feels good.

Thanks Husband for taking the day off work and giving me a few moments to get my breath back.

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