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Thursday, 16 July 2015

Mixed feelings

There is something unsettling in your stomach when you hand a child over to their new home.

It certainly is the hardest part about foster care.  There was the opportunity for Miss 8 to stay in our lives forever, but I believed it was in her best interests to not be with her siblings and I couldn't be the one responsible for the ongoing memories of abuse, and little jibes.

So the decision was made that she would indeed be placed with her brother.  I'm not happy about it, I don't agree with it, and it makes me fairly angry.  However, I do believe the home she has gone to is perfect for her.  For that reason there is some 'okay' in my stomach too.

Today she moved into a home with people she already knows and loves, who already know her strengths and weaknesses, who have had her live with them before.  Who will bring her up in the way she needs, with the love and security that she needs.

I'll have to give them a chance. I seriously hope I can look back and say I was wrong.  Say that her being with her brother is in her best interests.  But I don't know if it will come to that.  I just hope in my heart that her new forever family is perfect, including some miraculous changes in the way she and her brother interact.

All the best sweet child...Oh the places you'll go.

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