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Monday 21 July 2014


When I moved into my house 2 and a bit years ago - it was yellow.  Yellow walls, yellow skirtings...yellow cupboards....yellow, yellow, yellow.

The first thing I did was paint.  The kitchen, the bathroom and the living room.  I never did get around to the bedrooms or the hallway - but it's always been in the back of my mind that it had to be done.

While watching House Rules (I'm a sucker for reality TV) Little Miss piped up around about once a week "I want to paint my bedroom".  I kept saying "one day".  Partly because I couldn't be bothered going to get the paint, other part because I knew it had to be done.

Unfortunately the final aired while we were away.  So we sat down and watched the last week in one long run.  Well the bug got stired up not only in me, but in little miss. About half an hour before the winners were announced (our favourites...just as well...) I said "Do you want to paint your bedroom this afternoon?"  Of course there was an overwhelming resounding 'yes'. I wished very quickly I had kept my mouth shut til the end of the programme as I quickly lost enthusiasm.  But we did.

We headed off to Resene, stocked up on paint - I said she could choose what colours - as long as I agreed with them.  So in other words - keep the house sell-able...I don't want to have to repaint it when I sell it.

She actually picked really well.. The main walls the same colour as I had used throughout the rest of the house...with some splashes of colour.  Here's what we came up with...Sort of.

We have the walls done... Need to buy some green paint for those finishing touches!
She got the hang of it - took a wee while...probably shouldn't have started with the wall that had a window...

She got a bit grumpy at me telling her what to do...but enjoyed herself...Even asked us to set time limits so we'd know what it was like on house rules.  Other half suggested the same thing when he got home and started to help!

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