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Monday 1 September 2014

What a week

It's been just over a week now, since Miss 12 had her world tipped upside down again.  This time getting the idea given to her that she would go back into the care of her mum.

She never quite got given the right story, only her mums story.  What was actually happening is that her mum would be undergoing another parental assessment.  That parental assessment isn't looking so good.

So where does that leave things, in a couple of weeks time, once everything is finalised, miss 12 is going to have her dreams shattered once again.  She is going to go into a home for life.  She just doesn't know it yet, and neither does her mum.  Her mum was given all the warnings in the world...she just gets it in her head that all she has to do is a 'parenting assessment' and everything will be okay again.  She understands wrong - and then gives that wrong understanding the to the children.

Unfortunately since Miss 12 was told she is going home, her behaviour has been horrendous.  All part of the up and down nature of what's going on really.  Guess it's gonna get worse in two weeks.

The influence of her family (possibly not her mum!) has seen her saying all sorts of things about herself that make her self esteem - useless.  She has been calling herself fat, ugly, dumb, naughty...lost aspirations that had taken us months to build up in her.

Hopefully some of these come back again once the daily contact has ended...(the daily contact was to assess how well her mum coped with her and her sister together).  I want her to see her mum and have fun with her - it just isn't working.  So sad.  She'll blame us we are the ones who had to report the change in her attitude and behaviour.

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