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Friday 19 September 2014

What a week!

I haven't been able to write - things have been full on.

Little Miss got told last week that she could not ever return to her family.  This has resulted in lots of things.

A lot of defensiveness about her family and hating us - right through to disclosure of abuse and excitement about a potential future.

The behaviors have been surprisingly good (other than that first 12 hours where the shock had hold on her).  She has been polite and lovely most of the time. trying really hard to make good choices.  She doesn't like boundaries and is really struggling with the fact that they are the new reality of life.  Kinda sees us as the bad guys for making her do things.  She has it pretty good actually - she just doesn't quite see it that way yet.

But we've just had a bad 12 hours. We don't really know why... possibly saw someone from her family yesterday - it was the kind of behavior we generally get after access with them.  We'll probably never know.  Moody, attitude, all those things.  Part of me is TGIF...the other part of me is "no...not the weekend!"

1 comment:

  1. It must be so confusing for kids to find out that they won't be going back to their birth families. Even if they do understand that it is for a very good reason, it must be scary to have the decision made for you, and to realize that your past is over. I hope things get better for Little Miss!
