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Monday 1 December 2014


Miss 12 came home from school swimming sun-burt.  I quizzed her about this and yes, as promised, the school had provided the sunblock.  However, Miss 12 got straight in the water after applying it!  After a quick email to her very young, beginning teacher, a polite email - just letting him know how to be sun-smart - of which he was very grateful.

Miss 12 is one of the only white kids in the class, so was one of the most badly burnt.

From this point I knew it was my job to make sure that Miss 12 was fully informed on how to be sun-smart!  Slip, Slop, Slap!  I told her that now the summer months are coming she needed to be responsible for putting sunblock on every 4 hours, two if she were in the water.  She listened carefully as I explained that she needed to wait 15 minutes before getting in the water after applying the sunblock so that it wouldn't wash straight off.  She nodded and agreed.

She came out from the shower in a bit of pain, and had me apply the aloe-vera.

The next night she came to me to have aloe vera applied, and I noted..."You smell like sunblock...did you actually have a shower?"  "Yeah, I put sunblock on when I got out" she replied. "Why?" I asked.  "Because you told me every four hours in the summer, and I haven't put any on since I left school" she explained.  "You won't get sun-burnt in bed" I laughed.  "but you said I had to put it on every four hours, so I have been putting it on every four hours".  Once my laughter died down, I explained that this was only really important if she was going to be outside - for longer than five minutes.  She didn't need to sunblock to check the mail box or walk to the car, but if she was going outside to play then she needed to put sunblock on, and reapply if she was still outside 4 hours later.

Hopefully I made myself clear!

Then almost a week later - we had a problem with the monkeys. 

Miss 12 "you should shut your window, a bamboo might get it"
Me "What? Huh?"
Miss: "You know - like lions and tigers and bamboos"
Mr31: "Has there been an escape from the zoo I don't know about"
Me: "Do you mean baboon?  We don't have baboons around here you know"
Miss: "No, bamboo, you know, monkeys"
Me: "Yeah, but bamboo is a woody plant, they can't climb in windows"
Miss "No, not the bamboo stick, the bamboo monkey"
Me: "Bamboo is the stick, Baboon is the monkey".
Miss: (with her head slightly to the side) " wonder when I google bamboo all I get is sticks".

She won't be kissing boys either...

Mr 31 is investigating a contagious illness at work... and looking into some stuff around that.  Miss 12 asked a few nights ago how you catch said illness.  He told her exchange of bodily fluids.  This morning she asked a few more questions.  Like what bodily fluids actually means.  I said - Blood, saliva, snot...

Miss 12: "eww saliva, can you get said illness from pashing someone"
Me: "Of course, you can get  # and & and ( and @ and * all from just kissing someone"
Miss 12: "omg, i'm never going to pash anyone.
Mr 31: "Don't tell her that"
Me: "shhhh, she just said she'll never pash anyone, shhhh"
Miss 12: "Ewww, I pashed someone when I was 8, I hope I don't have it"
Me: "Nah, you'd know by now, just don't do it again, just in case"

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