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Wednesday 25 March 2015

It's like a first birthday...

Today it's been one year since Miss 12, now Miss 13, came into our lives.

It started with a phonecall... around 10am... Any chance you could take some girls for tonight? We've just uplifted them and it's unlikely they'll be returning home today.

Within hours that had turned into a few days.  Within a few days that had turned into a few weeks, within a few weeks, months.  Now, as we hit one year with this young lady in our lives - we know that its her forever home. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Has it been hard. Bloody heck yeah. It's hard almost every day.  But is it perfect. yes it is.  Because she has made our lives richer, added humour, made us be a little more organised, learn our strengths and weaknesses as parents, helped us form friendships that require me to depend on other people sometimes.

It's not going to get easier either...although the last 24 hours have probably been the easiest.  Mr Man of the house pointed out this morning that she is incredibly relaxed at the moment - especially this morning, today was a day I was expecting to be hard.

I'm not naive, I know that gorse will grow between the flowers.  We are talking about a 13 year old girl here!

The hardest bit is worrying about people "judging" some of the things we let her get away with.  But what we've learned is this: Pick your battles.  Choose when the arguments are worth having. Choose the consequences you can follow through on.  First and foremost, let her be.  Because could you imagine being ripped off a desert island, taken away from your family, put in a totally different lifestyle.  It would be hard, and you'd probably understand most of the why.

This young lady, isn't really a lady at all.  She is a child. Taken from her family.  Moved from a low socio-economic area to a high one. Expected, for the first time to think about the future. Changed schools and being put it situations that force her to remember her past.

Tonight we will celebrate as a family, the amazing person she has developed into over the last twelve months. In the weekend - we will celebrate with the wider family and friends.  She is excited about celebrating the fact, and that makes me happy.

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