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Friday 7 November 2014

'it's a boy'

We had a phone call while driving home today.  We need an urgent placement for an 8 year old.  Okay, what's the deal? Okay,  boy or girl? Okay, are we likely to be injured by violence?  Yeah alright, we'll turn around now and come and get him.

And that's how we have Master 8.  Master 8 has settled in very quickly.  Yabbering away.  A little (not so little) bundle of knowledge.  He knows all of his times tables - I know, I've heard them recited. Knows about the moon cycles.  How gravity works.  Yup - he is a smarty.

But he destroyed a classroom at his school last week, and hurt a teacher.  He did it again today and his family won't take him back.  Cyfs were involved anyway - he has been staying with his aunt for awhile now.

We don't know much else.  But he has never shown violence outside of the classroom setting.  It's certainly going to be an interesting process - he's been kicked out of school and there are no plans for Monday yet.  There is a lot of history of drugs/violence/abuse in the family but we don't know exactly what relate to him.

Miss 12 has been fabulous. Incredibly patient and understanding.  She had said quite constantly up until today that there were to be no other children.  But she said yes to this one before I even had a chance.  She is leading by example and I'm incredibly proud of her.

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