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Sunday 9 November 2014

The five finger countdown.

I had to count backward from five today.  I don't like having to ask someone more than three times to do as they are asked!

Master 8 needed to have his shower so he could go to bed on time tonight.  He has a big day tomorrow.  Starts the day with us, gets collected by his social worker. Finds out he has been kicked out of school. Likely going to a new home too.  Hopefully his family will agree to have him back - at least til he is settled into a new school!

Miss 12 has had her patience wear thin a few times.  Master 8 tries far too hard to impress, and definitely doesn't impress her.  He is the best at everything, and Miss 12 thinks thats ridiculous.  However, despite her moments of frustration, she is doing well.  Still managing to run around and play with him - slightly enjoying the child company she has missed so much over the last 7 months.

Today we went to the park for a picnic and some cricket.  I was the only one who lost to the sunshine and am paying for it with burning red skin now.  Such an irresponsible parent!  Who forgets sunscreen on a hot sunny day?!

Came home to do the house work and everyone pitched in. Miss 12 did it all in her stride, as she has learnt so incredibly well to do.  Master 8 didn't question the joining in - just copied the rest of us.  He picked jobs that were a bit hard for him, which meant Mr 31 had to aid in completing those jobs.

Who knows what the future holds for Master 8.  I can only hope that whatever the future holds, someone continues to nurture that intelligence!  He is a little genius.  Such a strong desire to learn.  Knows things about the world I'd never even thought about.  I don't think his time here was an unpleasant time for him, but I hope he remembers it with fond memories and not anger about the unpredictable phase of his life.


  1. What a cool blog you have. Thanks for sharing your journey. I used to blog when my daughter was going through cancer and it was great to be able to document the journey!

  2. That must have been hard for Master 8 to have to find out he was kicked out of his school AND going to a new home! How did things turn out?
