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Tuesday 2 June 2015

For a moment I thought you were xxx

Today there were tears. Miss 7 said 'nah' I made it clear that wasn't acceptable. She sobbed. 

She could explain to me what she did, why it wasn't okay and what she could do instead. So why the tears I asked her. 

'For a moment I thought you were xxx, I forgot that I am okay and you won't hurt me' she sobbed even more. You are safe and it's okay I reassure her. You will get told off sometimes, but you won't get hit.  

She cried 'it's my 5th foster home, it's too hard, everyone has different rules.  I want to go home' 

Where is home for you I asked her.  I don't know she told me. Home is where I will stay and I won't have to keep doing things differently. Home isn't with xxx because that isn't safe. But that means I haven't been home in a long time. 

Insightful for Miss 7. I hope she makes it home soon. It's so unfair for one so young to go through so much change. 

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